Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Winter in August

Yeah, I wish. We have had some stifling days here in South Carolina. At Edwards we dealt with 110 + degree days all summer long, but the humidity here just weighs ya down. We will be soaking from just a leisurely walk around the block or a trip to the mailbox. Yes, I guess this humidity will take some getting used to.Here is Christian wearing his winter/holiday pajamas. Wishful thinking? Yes and no...he just seems to outgrow his jammies so quickly, so this was the next available. Hopefully it will still actually fit by the time winter comes along.

Look familiar? Here is Papa, Christian, and his cousin Linden in the same patterned jammies when C was 3 months old (taken back in January.) A couple of others are here.


mom said...

oooo...I just want to SQUEEZE him!!!!

Jan and Colleen said...

hey Erin, I love following your blog, I understand about the hot humid south, go to walmart and buy him a pack of small little boys undershirts and put him in those for the night!!! You'll never go back to jammies until you are back in Colorado.Tell your mom hi!