Monday, July 27, 2009

29 Weeks

Steve is home!! I picked him up at LAX Thursday at midnight, after a long day of travel. This weekend we relaxed, shopped a little (Steve has been in a strange shopping mood,) ate out, saw "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" (excellent movie by the way,) and enjoyed each others is SO nice to have him back! Today he is back to the grind--where he has a LOT of work waiting for him.

On another note, this week I am 29 weeks along in my pregnancy! I am feeling pretty good, and the baby is extremely active. Sometimes I just sit on the couch and watch my belly as it morphs into funny positions when the baby stretches and kicks in all sorts of directions. Its like I have a little alien in my tummy. :) My prenatal appointments are every 2 weeks now instead of every 4. We're getting closer!


Susan said...

YEAH! You look beautiful! I am so glad Steve is home and you have this time to enjoy all the fun stuff...I am sure he was shocked to see how much you have changed, feel the baby move and have it all be so real now...I am so excited for you both. You will be wonderful parents and your little boy is so blessed. I am glad you are doing so well. Wish I could take a movie date with many I want to see!! Take care and big hugs from all of us to you, especially from your little buddy!!!

mae said...

YOu look wonderful! Nice not to have to do a self portrait!