Friday, July 17, 2009

Colorado Visit #2: Baby Shower

My SIL Kristi and MIL Joann hosted a beautiful baby shower for me and our baby with extra help from my mom, SIL Kim, and even my brother who made the delicious desserts! There was a great turnout of family and friends and we enjoyed yummy food, silly games, and loads of gifts! Our baby boy was certainly spoiled and I am still overwhelmed by the generosity of everyone. Thank you to all!

I wasn't able to take too many pictures, so I am using a few from my mom's camera...

The hostesses, Kristi and Joann

Some of the guests

Diapers galore!

Just SOME of the baby gifts!


mae said...

It was a nice shower.Joann and Kristi did a really nice job!

RC said...

I guess I missed the tour of the shower goodies that are displayed above.

I'm glad you had a good time and help getting your spoils back to your house.