Friday, February 19, 2010

Help! I Am Becoming Addicted to Coffee

Its not the caffeine that I am addicted to, because really, my day doesn't seem all that different if I have caffeine or not. It's the aroma and the warmth and the creamer (yes, I use a lot) and the comfort. There is something about cozying up with a good book and delicious hot coffee, or a social outing of coffee with a friend. It also helps that my mom drinks coffee (whereas Steve doesn't) so it is more readily available since I am currently living at my parent's house. Also, I suppose if it were not winter maybe it would not seem so inviting (or at least, that is what I would like to think.) But really, because I am a nursing momma, I know that I need to cut back. What suggestions to do you have to kick the habit? I am only drinking a cup a day, but I still feel guilty. Do you know of any good caffeine-free teas? (I have never been a huge tea lover, but I am always willing to give it another shot.) I heard of this caffeine-free herbal coffee called, Teeccino, which is a blend of herbs, grains, fruits, and nuts that are roasted and ground so that you can brew it just like coffee, and supposedly it is a pretty good substitute with health benefits. I am supposed to be receiving the "Java" sample soon to try it out. We will see. So in the meantime I will try and use a little more will-power to resist the cozy splendidness of coffee.


mom said...

I am soooo glad to have someone to drink coffee with!!

Anonymous said...

Try decaf a few days a week, it will help you kick the caffine addiction :)
Good luck!
- Emily

Michaela said...

I love my coffee too, Erin. However, I have found that hot tea works too. Celestial Seasonings has always been my favorite. They have a variety of caffeine free flavors. I used to think putting milk in hot tea was weird, but it is really good, and is kind of like creamer in your coffee. The thing with hot tea is that it smells better than it tastes. The aroma is comforting along with the warmth. My new favorite tea that is not caffeine free is Good Earth brand Cocoa Chai Tea. It has ground cocoa nibs in it. Yum! I also really like teas that have "caramel" in the name. Those have always been good. I don't have any in my cabinet right now, so I can't tell you brands or names. Good luck on your coffee-alternative quest.

Andrew and Brooks said...

As someone already mentioned the Good Earth Tea's are amazing! We love the original kind in this house. Personally though, I wouldn't worry about the coffee if you are only having 1 cup and not drinking other caffeinated beverages during the day. I drink a cup a day of french press and have no guilt for the following reasons: #1 I am not so sluggish and foggy at 7am when A is on his high speed setting! #2 I really enjoy it (with lots of yummy flavored creamer of course) #3 You can drink a cup a day during pregnancy while they are developing!!! so it can't be that bad for him! #4 I don't see a difference in him when I have coffee or don't have it.

If you really feel badly about it, switch to high end decaf coffee like the Illy brand and you will enjoy the cup just as much as your normal cup! Williams & Sonoma carries Illy, not sure who else does out there in CO...