Monday, April 5, 2010

Springtime in the SC

It has been Spring at Shaw pretty much since we arrived here mid-March with white flowering trees and tulips and daffodils perking up. In these past two weeks we have seen even more growth. Spring has sprung! In fact, we are already experiencing temps anywhere from 75 to near 90 degrees. The current owner of our future home was telling us that people that move to South Carolina often experience allergies even if they never have before. (Yea for me.) Just this past week we have seen something very different than what we ever saw in California or Colorado...what I call "pollen storms" (versus dust storms...ha ha.) There is literally fine, yellow pine pollen coating every outdoor surface. We were shocked upon our return from Charleston (post to come) because both of our cars were lost in pine dust. When the wind blows, it's almost like the dust storms at Edwards; all you see is a fog of pollen in the air making things less visible. I am hoping that it only lasts a week or two and then settles down because poor Christian has had runny eyes and ours are very irritated. I cannot complain too much though because we certainly enjoy the fruits of this crazy pollen...lots and lots of pine trees!

My attempt at capturing a picture of Steve's car covered in pollen. Great picture with the dumpster in the background :)


eHome said...

I can remember having pollen like that during Spring in Texas - it is kind of crazy! I also remember it really bothering your brother's allergies, but look at all those pretty flowers & tree blooms - I know you wouldn't trade that for the desert :-)

mae said...

Pretty, Pretty....hopefully the pollen is temporary. What a change from the desert! You and Mr C are so cute, I am glad that there are photos to document "you're being there".

Andrew and Brooks said...

OHHHHH this makes me SOOOOOOO jealous!!! Although I don't miss the pollen! (or the gnats that are coming your way!) The green and colors are so beautiful! It brought a smile to my face just looking at your pictures! In May I will be on the East coast for a brother's graduation and I cannot wait to see green and flowers!