Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Blackmail or Something like it...

These old slides turned digital definitely provide a good chuckle. Did our parents really dress us that way? (Even though some of the fashions have returned.) Look how young they were. Even the furnishings in our past homes bring back memories. Isn't it always fun looking through old albums and pictures?

I wonder how our children will view our "old" photos. Will they watch them in a digital picture frame, or view them in the folders on the computer? Things have definitely changed since digital cameras came out. I know for us, not nearly as many photos are printed anymore. I am hoping that this year I will be better at working on albums (with the little personal time I have) or finding some way to make these memories more accessible.


mary ann said...

hmmmm.sometimes things are better off left in the old slide cube.

Anonymous said...

I still love that Ryan is standing by your baby swing with a plastic hammer raised...naughty boy!

Michaela said...

What are ya'll using to convert the slides to digital pictures? I have been looking at ways to do that.

Eralel83 said...

Michaela~ He went to a local place called "Memories to Digital," however, my BIL was saying that Walmart and Walgreens will both convert them.