Monday, October 11, 2010


In Colorado I got a lot of "teasing" for not putting shoes on Christian. He wore socks in the winter months as a baby, and now that he is starting to "walk" around a little more he does wear them when we go out or if we are outside. But before then...he just didn't. With a hot summer and sticky humidity, who wants to be in socks and shoes?


Bob Raymer said...

Erin - we think of you, Christian and Steve every day and pray for the day when you are all together at home. I find the one good thing this separation has done - it has brought us back to frequent prayer as we have realized our need for God's grace.

mom said...

why would you need shoes when you have such adorable feet?!

Andrew and Brooks said...

I agree...who wants to wear shoes?!?! :) Asher still only wears his robeez mostly. I think that most children's shoes don't help them walk better, but instead cause them to trip and fall more! And we don't need more of that around here!!! :)