Well....looks like my contractions on Thursday were true labor after all. I began having consistent contractions that morning until 4pm when they suddenly became more intense and I called Steve at work, telling him we needed to drive to the hospital (40 minutes away.) I still wasn't sure at this point if it was false labor because while the contractions were consistently 4-6 minutes apart, they still only lasted about 20 sec. When we got to the hospital around 5pm, I was already 5 cm dilated (I had been 1.5 cm that morning at 10am.) At 6pm I was 7 cm dilated. (Barely in time for an epidural, which by the way, is the most amazing thing ever!) I didn't progress to 10 cm until 10:30pm and was in labor for about 40 minutes pushing.
Christian Isaac Raymer ("Little Stevie"- he looks so much like him) was born September 17, 2009 at 11:28pm. He was 6 lbs. 7 oz. and 19.5 inches long. Because he was born at 36 weeks, he is considered a late-term premature baby. They did lots of tests, was on antibiotics (so sad to see an IV in his little hand) and had to stay an extra day in the nursery for jaundice. Fortunately, we were able to take him home with us Sunday afternoon and he was on in-home photo therapy until just yesterday when his pediatrician gave us the okay to take him off. We were definitely surprised by Christian's early and very unexpected arrival, and feel so thankful that he is healthy.
Leaving the hospital...
At-home photo therapy bili lights. So thankful that we had this option!
Overall, Christian is doing well. He is so sweet and cuddly, and we are in awe of God's miracle and this amazing little gift! Thank you all for your love, support, and prayers! We truly appreciate everyone's kindness and encouragement!
Ohh he is the sweetest, cutest looking little newphew ever :-) Happy 1 week birthday Christian! We can't wait to meet you (whenever that will be!). XOXOXOXO (lots of virtual hugs and kisses in the meantime from Aunt Kim)...Uncle Ryan would probably like to send some virtual crazy faces, noises and probably too much tossing around for being 1 week old today! Cousin Linden sends pats on the head (what she does to the babies at church), some drool (from her molars coming in) and some cherrios (she has been sharing her snaks with everyone this week, including her baby doll).
What a nice story though - you just never can know how those things are going to work out - which is kind of fun, sometimes life doesn't have enough surprises :-)
Looking forward to seeing more pics. :-)
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