Thursday, September 17, 2009

36 Weeks

Another drs. appointment today and I am still 1.5 cm dilated, but am now 70% effaced. I had some difficulties driving the 40 minutes into town because I have been having contractions all morning. (Going on 6 hours now.) They are coming every 4-6 minutes but only last for about 20 seconds. Waiting to see if they become more intense before going to Labor and Delivery. Maybe baby Raymer will come early after all? I will keep you updated...

This picture was taken this morning (36 weeks.) I had a little difficulty smiling...


Michaela said...

Hi, Erin! I am totally not trying to burst your bubble (no pun intended), BUT.... When I was pregnant with Michael, I could have sworn I was in labor several times. I even went to the hospital. I was having ALL the symptoms, and I mean ALL, except for a gush of water. When they sent me home with "false labor" I was SO disappointed. I finally went in after his due date to induce. I was dilated 4 cm by then but still never technically in labor. Hang in there! You are going to do great. Just know that all these contractions now are going to make your labor that much shorter when it does happen. And it WILL happen. ;)I am telling you all of this because no ever told me that you could be "so in labor" and not really be in labor. But then again, if Little Dude is ready, he's ready! I'll be praying for you and your little man that all will go well.

Michaela said...

I haven't heard anything officially, but I think I heard little R WAS ready! Congratulations!!!!!!!!

Emily @ Finding My Aloha said...

Congratulations!!! Zach told me he saw you posted the happy news on fb! How is Christian doing? One month early? Praying for you all! Love, Em