Thursday, June 27, 2013

Lucas is 18 Months

Hard to believe our "Lu bug" is 18 months! Life has been busy, busy with our transition to Colorado which has made the time fly even faster with these precious kiddos. Lucas has been such a fun addition to our family and I love seeing the bond that continues to form between Christian and Lucas. Christian tends to want more attention from Lucas, which often means getting in Lucas' little bubble (this kid likes his personal space,) but we can definitely see how Lucas looks up to Christian and often follows his example. I just pray that their relationship with continue to grow as brothers and that they will be the best of friends.

As far as what Lucas is up to these days:
  • Busy! Lucas is slowly becoming more comfortable with his walking skills. He is also quite comfortable with sitting (and standing) in adult chairs, going up and down stairs, etc. He is a speedy crawler, but also likes to do the funny walking on his knees like Christian did before he was fully walking. 
  • Lucas is an opinionated little fellow and likes to "voice" his opinion with screaming- although I feel like it is mostly getting better. I know part of this is just the process of learning how to communicate his needs/desires, but man, it can really grate on one's nerves! Lucas' other strong dislike is car rides...even for short local drives.
  • Lucas is talking more and more. Not all of it is understandable but he talks about "Dada/Daddy" and "Mama," balls "baw," bananas "nana," night-night "nigh-nigh," makes airplane/car/cat/dog sounds, mimics other sounds, etc. For now he mostly speaks his own little language though. :)
  • Lucas is still an awesome eater (with 12 teeth now) and continues to be a great sleeper, taking two naps a day, but is starting to slowly transition to just the afternoon nap.
  • Lucas loves playing outside especially in our new spacious, and grassy backyard (I feel better not having a pond in our backyard like the one in South Carolina.) He loves playing at the water table, sitting at the newly built picnic table from Nana and Papa from last Christmas, and climbing up onto the other patio furniture. :o)

Compare: Christian at 18 Months

1 comment:

Mom said...

You got some really cute pictures of him! Looks like he loves the chair!