Monday, May 13, 2013

17 Weeks

If I thought my second pregnancy with Lucas flew by, I had no idea just how quick time could go this time around. It's hard to believe I am almost half way through this pregnancy! I have been so busy keeping up with big brothers Christian and Lucas, as well as trying to sell our home here in South Carolina, find a new place in Colorado, and deal with all the details involved in a military move.

I had an OB appointment at 15 weeks, everything looked good and the baby's heartbeat was 146 beats per minute. I also felt the baby for the first time on Wednesday at 17 weeks (there is nothing greater than feeling a baby's stirring for the first time.) I will have my last appointment here at 19 weeks and then see my new doctor in Fort Collins at 21 weeks. Not sure when I will have the big gender reveal ultrasound (they were adamant about not being able to do it at 19 weeks...much to my disappointment.) Otherwise, I am feeling great and have gained much more energy. Here is a belly shot taken on Mother's Day at 17.5 weeks:

Compare: 16 and 18 weeks with Christian
18 weeks with Lucas (same shirt and location!)

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