Friday, May 11, 2012

Shaw Air Show 2012

This past weekend was Shaw AFB's air show, although we have to admit that it was not nearly as amazing as Edwards AFB's (because they have all the planes!) Originally Steve planned to take just Christian as a special outing, but in the end we all attended on Saturday morning.

I love a good air show, there is just something so cool about the loud roaring engines and amazing stunts. Unfortunately, little ears do not agree. (See Christian's first and second air show experiences.) Christian really did enjoy seeing the airplanes up close, but when the F-15's and F-16's flew, both boys were ready to go despite our best effort with using earplugs. We ended up leaving around 11:30am, but still felt like it was worth the visit (even if we did not get the chance to see the Thunderbirds.) Naturally my camera battery died shortly before the airplanes flew- still got a few good photos.

Christian is still talking about going to the air show to see the "air-trains" and that they were loud. He even drew a picture of the loud airplanes and the Army's Golden Knights on Sunday.


Joann said...

Oh, how my dad would have loved to goto the air show with his blond haired boys!

Kimberly said...

Fun! I always loved going to the air shows with my dad & grandpas.