Monday, September 6, 2010

To my darling wife

I have been missing you so very much. You are always on my mind, and when I think of you it brings joy to my heart, lightening my burdens and brightening my day. I wanted to share this joy and love, and I know that this song is one that we both enjoy so very much. It gives us a glimpse of the love that God has for us and the love we have been given to share with each other. I do hope this touches your heart as you hear it and know that though we are so far apart, God keeps us connected through His love. A love that has eternal roots, bridging the greatest of divides, and which connects on a level of more than just the love between a man and a woman, but rather the love shared through the joining of two souls.

I love you.


Joann said...

We discovered this lovely message when Erin was trying to help me with comments.

Anonymous said...

You two make me so happy . . . for you and Christian! Great family; great love.

I pray time will pass quickly til you are together again!