Friday, March 26, 2010

Just a Walk in the Park

Christian and I have been loving spending time outdoors during the day while Steve is at work. We also have been able to take evening walks before Christian's bedtime. It's so refreshing to actually have places to walk (at least until the heat and humidity are in full force.) There are a couple of beautiful lakes/ponds within walking distance of the TLF, so we have been enjoying Spring at Shaw. Some of the trees are flowering and there is new growth each day. Here are a few pics from our walk on Wednesday.
Memorial Lake

Happy boy!


mae said...

It looks beautiful! I am so glad that you are finding some adventures in you new city! I don't think that I have ever seen Christian in short sleeves!

Susan said...

OH it looks home to me! I love that you are in such a good deserve it. :)