Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Christian is 2 Months

Time sure is flying by, and I cannot believe how much our baby boy has already grown. It wasn't that long ago that we brought home the little guy with his little birdie (sorry buddy) arms and legs, and now he is beginning to put on some rolls. Christian is becoming more and more alert during the day and slowwwly but surely sleeping better at night. When he is awake he is pleasant and sweet-natured, and is beginning to give some big toothless grins (the ones that make your heart just melt!) He makes the sweetest little sounds while sleeping and eating...and makes grunting sounds at other times- a true boy I suppose. He LOVES to be held, and will almost always fall asleep in our arms...I guess it's the warmest and best place to be!

Poor little guy had his 2 month vaccinations today and did really well. Still not fun (probably worse for mommy.) I was unable to get him a 2 month check-up until November 30th, so I guess we will have to wait on his official weight, height, head circumference...etc. until then.

Christian is growing and changing so quickly. It's true what they say about time flying by with children, which is why it's so important to just enjoy and cherish each and every part along the way...(even if that includes those stinky diapers and sleepless nights.)

1 comment:

Mary Ann said...

Hurray for babies! You are such a good mommy and you are right, the time does fly and you need to cherish all of the things, both good and bad...they will pass :) LYB