Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Noah's First Week

We are so thankful to have had lots of help with our return home from the hospital. Nana was here for a few days then Grandpa, and then Aunt Kristi. All lavished the boys with lots of attention and love. Christian and Lucas have been sweet to baby Noah. Lucas likes to gently rub "Bay-e" Noah's head and Christian, being the experienced big brother that he is, asks about Noah often and is generally going with the flow. Lucas has been more clingy as he can definitely be a Mama's boy. Noah is a great eater and I am hoping he will sleep longer stretches soon (last night he only woke twice!) Otherwise he is a super sweet snuggle bug. I am planning to head to Denver for about a week with the three boys so that I can continue to get a little more help with the boys (and sleep) while Steve stays in Fort Collins and concentrates on his school work and thesis.

Noah's first "bath." Big brother's were concerned.

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