Sunday, July 28, 2013

Lory State Park

One of the many things that is great about living in Fort Collins is that we are a super short drive away from the Rocky Mountain foothills and many other outdoor activities. Yesterday we decided to take a hike at Lory State Park along the Waterfall Trail and the Well Gulch Nature Trail. The latter was a bit more difficult and longer than we expected for Christian, but he really did a great job climbing the rocks and overcoming some of the more challenging paths. His words: "Maybe we can come here again sometime." So I will take that as a good sign. Lucas did well overall until near the end and it was way past his morning nap and his little tummy was grumbling for lunch. We are definitely looking forward to returning again soon!


Michaela said...

It's always a good sign when they say, "Can we come here again sometime?"

nana said...

Love the hat and shades on Lucas!!