Sunday, April 14, 2013

October Baby Surprise

God has a sense of humor, is truly all-knowing, and the Master planner, because we are expecting Baby #3 mid-October (October 16 is my actual due date.) Although a "bit" of a shock initially, we are becoming excited (and honestly a little anxious), to introduce another little one into our family. In many ways, the timing is perfect since we will be back home in Colorado, where help and support from family is more accessible.

My first trimester went pretty smooth overall (I will be 14 weeks on Wednesday.) I did have a little bit of evening sickness around week 8 when my stomach felt uneasy. Otherwise, I have just been tired, often taking naps when the boys take their afternoon nap, and trying to muster energy by the time Steve comes home in the evening. I had my first OB appointment at week 11. They did a thorough exam and ultrasound, and being a little farther along in the pregnancy, the ultrasound pictures were much clearer. My favorite part was seeing the baby's little froggie legs; he/she was all stretched out. The baby's heartbeat was a healthy 159 beats per minute, and based on the crown to rump measurements, he/she was measuring 5 days ahead. Considering I had both Christian and Lucas early, this may actually be another September baby. I will obviously be switching doctors this pregnancy, so I am a little anxious about how all that will work out with our move to Colorado, not to mention moving 1,500 miles across the country with two littles. Fortunately, it will be mid-pregnancy, so not too close to the baby's arrival date. Regardless, I am excited to have a Colorado baby! :)

How we announced the news to family back in February. This photo was taken at Downtown Disney when we were on our Disney World vacation:

Baby's ultrasound photos at 11 weeks:

My first belly shot at 13 weeks:


Michaela said...

How exciting! Congratulations! Tucker was our surprise. I am so glad God knew better than us and gave him to us.

Jan and Colleen said...

I am so excited for you all! God truly does know what he is doing in our lives! Tell MAE hello for me!

Unknown said...

Congratulations Erin! I didn't know you were pregnant again!