Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Past Two Weeks: Will and Brittany's Las Vegas Wedding

...Continued from this post.

Will and Brittany's Las Vegas Wedding:

Saturday (Steve and his family had already arrived in Vegas the night before) Lucas and I boarded an airplane for a fairly short flight to Las Vegas. Lucas is not the best airplane traveler, but we made it despite the tears and ear discomfort. The day was a bit of a whirlwind with wedding preparations. We attended the Rehearsal Dinner at the Trevi Italian Restaurant in Caesar's Palace after the rehearsal at Will and Brittany's wedding venue: The Flamingo. In the evening a bunch of the guys went out to wander the Strip. While some of the girls hung out in Brittany's room as she finished wedding prep.

Meanwhile back in Colorado....Christian stayed back in Colorado with my parents for the weekend, since we knew it might be hard to bring him along to Vegas. Little man was definitely spoiled by Nana and Papa and Uncle Ryan and Aunt Kim (Aunt "Tim.") He got lots of lovin' and it was a special time for all of them. Saturday morning they went to the Georgetown Loop Railroad (my niece loves trains,) had lunch at Beau Jo's Pizza in Idaho Springs, took a nap, played at the pool, and then had dinner at McDonald's where the kids played even more at the playhouse. Whew- sounds exhausting just writing about it. I don't even think Christian had any time to miss us. :o)

Sunday was Will and Brittany's Big Day! The wedding was beautiful and sweet, the weather was perfect (not too hot for Vegas,) and everything fell into place. The Reception included a nice buffet lunch, dancing, pictures, and wedding cake! That evening a bunch of us went to Margaritaville for a relaxing dinner before our travels the next day.

Back in Colorado....Christian went to church with my parents, lunch at C.B. and Potts, took a nap, and played in the pool with Nana and Papa.

Monday morning Steve and his family began their caravan back to Colorado, while Lucas and I boarded for our flight back. Thank goodness for some empty seats! They let me have a free seat and I was able to bring Lucas' car seat on board. He slept in his seat most of the flight, nursed, and then played happily for 20ish minutes before we landed. Best flight ever (with a baby)! If only we could always get a free seat :)

To be continued....


Joann said...

Kaitlyn thinks the pictures look yummy like candyland. She remembers ice cream and chocolate from Las Vegas.

Kimberly said...

I love the pictures of you and Steve :-)