Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Drum Roll Please....It's a...

Today we were thrilled to learn the exciting news that we will be having another BOY! When we were pregnant with Christian both Steve and I had the feeling that it was a boy, but this time we were very unsure. My guess was a boy, but I didn't expect it in the same way I did with C. It was very special to have Steve there this time for the ultrasound (Steve was at a 4 month training at Fort Bragg with Christian) not just to learn the baby's gender, but to see the awesome images on the screen and to see the sweet little mannerisms and movement of the baby.

The technician was very thorough and took lots of time with us. Because the baby was facing toward my back, she had a hard time getting a shot of his right arm and profile so we will get to have another ultrasound in a month- hooray for that! (Hopefully I will have some better pictures then.) The baby is looking very healthy, weighing in at a little over a pound and his measurements put him right on time for my due date of January 8. We are so thankful for this sweet little blessing!

1 comment:

Mom said...

HOORAY!!! We are ao exited and glad that he is right on schedule!! We love little boys! LYB