Thursday, March 17, 2011

Christian is 18 Months

I cannot believe our "baby" is a year and a half. Christian is looking more and more like a little boy, rather than a baby or toddler. He is thinning out from all the running and constant movement. I think his smile also makes him look older...all those teeth! Despite being a little ornery at times, Christian is truly a joy. He has such a fun personality, sense of humor, and a great smile, although so very hard to catch on camera sometimes (then again, it is hard to catch him on camera other than the back of his head.) C has been talking away, not a lot of clear words yet, but A LOT of animal, car, and plane sounds. Other than the not-so-fun discipline part of this age, we truly enjoy watching Christian learn and interact with others. Such a blessing to see the world through the eyes of a child.


mom said...

So cute and SO big! I love the photo with him in the plaid shirt! HAPPY HALF BIRTHDAY, MR C MAN...your Nana loves you so much!!!

mom said...

I also love that he loves books, that is a good thing :)

Michaela said...

Such a handsome little man!